Marcus Jones on GitHub
Project Portfolio
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Project maintained by MarcusJones
Click on the headers below to be taken to the respective project Github repositories.
Autonomous and decentralized science rover
Work in progress!
- Hacking on Internet Of Things + Blockchain + AI
- Custom electronics with Rapsberry Pi controller and Arduino I2C bus microcontoller (Electronics diagram PDF)
- Actuation by track motors, servo positions
- Sensing by GPS, camera, temperature+humidity etc.
- Semi-autonomous operation by on-board deep learning
- Master control by Ethereum blockchain Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) with governance
- 2nd place entry at the Odyssey hackathon 2019, Nature 2.0 track
Electronics development
Manufacturing update
Autonomous racing platform
- Custom modular robotics code inspired by the Donkey Car project
- Hardware stack including Raspberry Pi controlled RC car
- Experimentation with transfer learning and live race-conditions
- Software stack including on-board tensorflow vision controlled steering
- Sensor fusion with camera, ultra-sound, etc.
- Optimization of techniques for race performance, 20Hz drive loop
Productionized open Jupyter Notebooks
- Open source, built for Ocean Protocol Foundation
- Live at
- Python <> Jupyter Notebook development via the open jupytext project
- Publication of notebooks to server
- Custom docker images including the Ocean Protocol stack for data science users
- Management of customer facing JupyterHub/Kubernetes cluster for 100+ users
Batch automated management of digital assets
- Open source, built for Ocean Protocol Foundation
- Pandas based base class for local catalogs in Excel format, or Google Sheets via OAuth
- Synchronization and management of asset files with i.e. AWS S3
- Parsing and error reporting for metadata information
- Batch registration of large numbers of assets into Ocean Protocol marketplaces
MetaData JSON validator
- Open source, built for Ocean Protocol Foundation
- Wrapping the jsonschema JSON schema validator
- Strict source of truth for all libraries dealing with MetaData in the Ocean network
Energy simulation data processing
- TRNSYS and EnergyPlus input files <> XML
- TRNSYS and EnergyPlus output <> ‘Dataframe’ and Matlab etc.
- Formats (Similar to R dataframe object, with units)
Evolutionary algorithms
- Dynamic SQL database Schema generation and data population for efficient storage of evolutionary algorithm results (millions of individuals) using database ORM (Object Relationship Modeling)
- Trnsys parameterization and parallel execution
- Post-processing including generation of animated and static figures
Python API utilies and Wrapper
- Data population using efficient database transactions
- Automated checking, manipulation, extraction of database elements
- Documentation
General utility library
- SQL core and ORM wrapper
- File IO, parallel execution
- Excel API and CSV